I really should be cleaning and organizing things to get ready to pack up and leave my college town of Augusta. However, there's a specific verse that has been laid on my heart for a few days now. It’s one that we’re all familiar with, but this time I was able to relate it with something new.I also was able to share my thoughts over the verse with a professor, who I’ve grown to love as a friend and sister in Christ, and we were able to shed some light over it's encouragement value. It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself, so I want to share. This is the verse that has been playing in my mind over and over again:
“When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish thing. Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.” 1 Cor. 13:11-12, NLT
It is so cool how a verse can theologically represent one thing, but then God can totally use it to relate to specifics in your own life too. For example, I’ve never graduated college before…this is my first time. (HA!) It’s also the first time for our family. So you can see that this is an entirely new experience. It is the most thrilling and nerve-racking occurrence I’ve ever gone through. Thrilling because I finally made it, and I’m going to have a college diploma with my name on it. Nerve-racking, because I have no clue what the future is going to hold for me, and I’m not sure what to expect. I am SOOO nervous! However, I can find rest in the arms of the One who has gone before me, because He has already laid out the path that I’m to take. Yes, there is one that has my name on it! The only thing that I have to do is to trust and have faith in Him and His will for my life.
That takes me back to my perception of 1 Corinthians 13:11-12. I am 23 years old, which classifies me as an adult. I am a woman. I am not a little girl any more, so it is time to focus. You could say that this verse is implying that it’s time for me to put my big girl panties on and cowgirl up. *wink*wink * Yep I said it.
What really touched my heart, though, was the part that speaks over seeing things imperfectly right now. That is totally true, because I see an image in my mind of who I want to be and what I want to do…it’s all still a dream. However, it’s still just a cloudy mirror I’m looking into. I am not able to fully understand what it is God really has in store for me in my life until I go out there and pursue it. If I just continue to walk side-by-side and hand-in-hand with Him, then one day I will see it all clearly. He will fill my life up with the opportunities that He has created me for, there will be no void….it will be complete.
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