Sunday, October 12, 2008

The "Light" at the Traffic Light!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Do you know those times when you're riding around, the weather is just perfect, not too hot... a nice breeze.... the sun is setting.... so you are just excited to ride with the windows down? (It's the end of the day, so you don't care if you wind up with windblown hair, Amen?)

So you just ride around listening to the radio and enjoying the end of the day....beginning of the weekend and just relaxing. Well, this was me a little while ago. I was riding around thinking about lots of things, and while I was thinking I was listening to an audio Bible Study that was speaking about what seemed to be going on in my life currently.

Do you ever have those moments, where you're going through something and after you FINALLY bow down and present your request to God, you'll recieve a devotional, hear a song on the radio, or listen to something in Church that seems to be speaking right to your heart? I LOVE THAT!!!! That seems to happen to me all the time!!!! I'm smart enough to know by now that it's not coincidence... it's PROVIDENCE!!!

So I was really "in tune" listening to my Bible Study and lining my heart up with God's, when I pulled up to a traffic light and I stopped. (Cause that's what ya do....ha!) You'll know exactly what I'm talking about when I say.... the proper procedure is to pull up to the red light, stop, and then you look at the car next to you to see who has followed the law with you. Right?*wink*wink* OF COURSE!! WE all do.... it is just about impossible to stop at a traffic light and not glance at who is beside you! HA! You just can't do it. Curiousity is our nature, I'm almost postitive I don't stand alone on that. HA! So there I was stopped at the traffic light and I looked to the right of me, and there was this pickup truck with two older gentlemen in the truck. They looked like they had just came back from construction work or something.

Well, when I made eye contact with them, I immediately looked away (again, that's what we do.. we look and then hurry and turn back! LOL). So I was engaged back into what I was listening to... and I couldn't help but let my womanly presumption take over... "should I roll my windows up?...Those guys are really close... I don't know if they are...but I can just feel them staring at me....but I then ignored those thoughts... I just kept looking forward... waiting patiently for the light to turn green.

Then I heard, "Ma'am... pssst....Ma'am....Excuse me? Ma'am?"

It was the guys next to me. And you can bet.... my presumption set back in and the first thing that crossed my mind... "I sure hope their not going to try and flirt with me and say some crazy pick-up-line." So I hestitated as I turned my head to look back at them.

Once they had my attention....Then the driver said, "Ma'am... who is that preaching?"....

(THEN I GOT EXCITED!!!).... I smiled and said, "It's Beth Moore"

(Enter into conversation- the second guy in the passenger seat)

"Beth Moore?" "Yeah, she is an awesome Bible teacher!! I'm studying how to LIve BEYOND myself, ha ha!, It's VERY Awesome, I LOve studying God's Word and applying it to my life!"

The second guy, "You're a Christian?..... I think I'm a Christian too."

*PAUSE!!!! When the passenger said I THINK I'm a Christian too,I ALMOST WET MY PANTS, I got so excited!!!!

I immediately knew the Lord stopped us at this red light together for His glory!!!!!!! Bless Him!!! He just makes me stand in awe at how He makes things happen!!! I knew that this was one of those times that would bless Him and me! He's SO Good!!!*

So I said back to the men, "I asked Jesus to come into my heart almost 9 months ago and He has turned my life around for the better, and I found out how to live abundantly through Him, He's just amazing!"

Then the light turned green and it was time to drive on, and the guy hollered..... "I'll have to look into that!!!" and while we drove side by side for a second as we were starting to get going, I hollered back... "Y'all do that!!! Blessings!!!!"

It all took a matter of maybe a minute, but I was able to sow a seed at the traffic light. I must say that I have witnessed to people in lots of different places, but a traffic light was a first for me. I would have never expected that to be a God-moment.... had I not been willing to take a moment to listen to them.

It just makes me stand in awe at how the Lord perfectly places everything together when He knows He is going to make a stir somewhere!! I almost didn't ride with my windows down, but looking back...I remember just feeling like I had to.. that it would feel good to me... and I usually take another route home, but today I took a differnt route... It's just amazing to me how he "sets" it all up. I

t also makes me just melt when I think about this...when we're open and willing to be a light for Him, and offer ourselves completely to Him for that reason, He REALLY does use us. He uses us to shine the light in us to others, and that is just awesome!! We're REFLECTORS!!! Reflectors of His image! So that people will see us and ask us questions... much like the gentleman did tonight!! I was so incredibly blessed, and I pray that those gentleman are drawn to seek His face more and more!!!

So.. next time you're at a traffic light... and you make eye contact with the other person... before you're quick to turn your head... smile at them, and if the window is down... make conversation..... you'll never know where it will lead!!!!

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Cor4:6 (NIV)

Remember, our Message is not about ourselves; we're proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Master. All we are is messengers, errand runners from Jesus for you. It started when God said, "Light up the darkness!" and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful." 2 Cor 4:5-6 (The Message)

Love y'all lots!!!

In His Light,

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